You may remember my previous blog “Is your Dream Job Seeming
More Like a Nightmare?” If you haven’t, you may want to scroll down to the
bottom of the blog page, click on older post, and read. But if you don’t have
time for that, here is the brief synopsis. It’s about making sure that you choose the
right career path. Although you cannot avoid choosing the wrong career, you can
try preventative ways such as aptitude test. (i.e. TypeFocus and Strong
Interests aptitude tests) Now that you have found a good career path, it’s time
to see if the companies or positions that you have been interviewing for are a
good match.
While looking for your new career, it’s hard to assess what
company is a good match. Asking questions during a face to face interview is a
good first step, but are the employers able to answer the questions that you
didn’t think to ask? Try asking your interviewer for a more untraditional
approach. If you find that the company best meets what you are looking for
during the interview, ask them if it would be possible to set up a shadow day
if selected for the next step. It may seem unorthodox, but by observing the day
to day operations of an organization, you are able to ensure that the company
will be a good fit. This will also
provide some early training that will give you leverage when starting.
If you are already with a company that you love, but are
interested in joining another department within the organization, you can also set
up a shadow day. Seeing the job as an outsider looking in, may not allow you to
see the true components of the job and it may not be what you expected. It will
also give you some leverage when interviewing for that department. The employer
knows that you are serious about pursuing the opportunity and that you took
time out of your schedule to learn more.
Overall, it’s imperative that you find out what company is
best for you. After all, you spend a third of your life at work? . Not only
will you be able to see if the company is a match, but the employee can see
your abilities to work in their environment. It is a win win for both parties.