Tuesday, July 1, 2014

School's out for Summer

I remember my college roommate and I running around our apartment screaming this song at the top of our lungs just minutes after we completed our last final exam of our college career!! We were very excited to be done with school but then we stopped and looked at each other and thought “What’s next?” This can be an exciting but also a very eye opening experience for some of us when we think about that next step in life and have that fear of the unknown! A common worry when beginning the next phase in your life can be “What if I interview for this position and I don’t get it because I don’t have all the experience that my competition does?” This is definitely an understandable worry. However, if you come into an interview prepared to speak to all of your experiences from college and are able to relate them to the job you are seeking, this will demonstrate a higher level of thinking and will show that you did a lot more in college than just study and party!

Here are a few tips to help you build that collegiate resume:

1)      Get involved on campus - Join a club, student government, or even joining a Greek Chapter to show that you are willing to go above and beyond. Doing this shows you are able to work in a team environment and balance school and extracurriculars. Make sure to speak to the roles you held to show your future employer that you can lead a team or a sell an idea, thought or theme!
2)      Seek a summer internship – a lot of companies offer internship positions to rising juniors and seniors. This can provide you two summers to have the opportunity to get a glimpse of a real life career. Take advantage of it and get out to those career fairs at an early phase in your college career to see what employers are out there and what they have to offer.
3)      Involved on a sports team? – speak to your experiences from being on a college sports team. On a sports team you act as a unit and go through wins and losses, just as you would in the real world. You also learn a lot about your team members, so make sure to speak to what you learned from these experiences. Being a member of a sports team demonstrates you are likely to accept coaching or even be able to coach yourself to get better in your career.
4)      Head up a community service project/fundraiser – Getting involved in community service is something a lot of employers and even students are doing these days. To make yourself stand out, find out if this is something an employer values. If so, make sure you are able to speak to how you’ve been involved in an organization that you are passionate about!

Once you have done one or all of these things jot down some notes to relate it to the real world! If it is on your resume and you don’t speak to it then it will not help you. Use your experiences to your advantage by taking credit for what you did and showing what you learned from each experience.  Enjoy your summer and start building that resume as soon as you get back in the fall!

For help in seeking a summer internship email angela.hubbard@mattressfirm.com

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