Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to Class!
In the coming days, college students across America will be heading back to campus, with sun-kissed faces, stories of summer road trips and a revived vigor for a new semester!
Just like each class you pass gets you one step closer to that degree, you should also be purposefully utilizing resources on campus that will get you one step closer to life after the degree… your career! Whether it’s your first semester or your last, I’ve provided three tips on what you can do now to ensure you receive an A+ in your job search!
Get involved!
I know that, for many, being a college student is a full-time job. Between studying, classes, study groups and a social life, finding time to do much of anything else is hard to do! However, getting involved in activities outside of the four walls of the classroom can do much for you in terms of a job search.
Getting involved in activities or volunteer opportunities has endless benefits, including:
·         The opportunity to work in a team environment,
·         The chance to utilize and/or develop certain skill sets,
·         Allows you to contribute in a leadership role, and
·         Expands your social network.
Plus, if you have limited work experience, being able to discuss similar situations that you encountered during your time in an activity is an excellent (and equally relatable) alternative in an interview!
Reach out to Career Services!
Imagine how nice it would be to have a staff of three working on your job search while you are sitting in class, listening to another riveting lecture on quantum physics and its historical impact on society given by a professor whose name you can hardly remember (if this is you, make sure to read my next tip!).
NEWS FLASH! At most schools, this staff exists! Check out your school’s Career Services office. Set up a meeting to chat with someone about your career goals, prospective employers, and the current courses you’re taking. Or look for workshops or career fairs that are hosted throughout the year to spice up your resume or expand your professional network. Utilize your Career Services team as much as possible – that’s their job!
Utilize faculty and advisors!
While the two of you may not be Facebook friends, the professor leading your Tuesday/Thursday Introduction to Management course may very well be one of your best friends come graduation time! Faculty members and club advisors are oftentimes a wonderful resource when seeking internship, part-time and full-time job opportunities!
Alumni of the institution and employers who have close relations with the school reach out to familiar faces when it comes to open opportunities. Make sure that you’ve met and shared with teachers and advisors your career goals… they usually have more than homework to give out to those who ask!



Wednesday, August 14, 2013

National Book Lovers Day

Did you know last Friday, August 9th was National Book Lovers Day? We may have missed the page on that one but wanted to share a reading list from Mattress Firm's President & CEO, Steve Stagner.

1. Leadership & Self-Deception; The Arbinger Institute

2. Spin Selling; Neil Rackham

3. Good to Great; Jim Collins

4. Radical Leap; Steve Farber

5. Purple Cow; Seth Godin

6. The Art of Possibility; Rosamund Stone Zander, Benjamin Zander

7. The One Minute Sales Person; Spencer Johnson, Larry Wilson

8. Blue Ocean Strategy; W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne

9. The Loyalty Effect; Frederick F. Reichheld

10. The Great Game of Business; Jack Stack

11. Play to Win; Larry Wilson, Hersch Wilson

12. Maximum Achievement; Brian Tracy

13. Why We Buy; Paco Underhill

14. Differentiate or Die; Jack Trout

15. The Greatest Salesman in the World; Og Mandino

16. The End of Marketing As We Know It; Sergio Zyman

17. Outliers; Malcom Gladwell

18. The Tipping Point; Malcom Gladwell

19. The One Minute Manager; Ken Blanchard, Spencer Johnson

20. Nuts; Kevin Freiberg, Jackie Freiberg

Steve Stagner President and Chief Executive Officer
Steve Stagner knows passion. Just listen to him speak about his career and his vision for the company and you’ll understand the reason why Mattress Firm is truly one of a kind. Steve has over 20 years of experience in the bedding industry and a wealth of knowledge that covers every facet of the business. Utilizing this experience, he goes the extra mile to impart his passion in order to make the company vision a reality.  Prior to becoming the Chief Operating Officer in 2005, Steve owned and operated Elite Management Team in Atlanta; the largest franchise in the Mattress Firm network.  As President and Chief Executive Officer, Steve continually finds ways to strengthen the Mattress Firm brand and promote our culture.  He also serves as director of the Rousche College of Business Advisory Council at Stephen F. Austin State University, President of the Mattress Firm Foundation, and serves on the National Advisory Council for TGen. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Meet Mattress Firm Intern, Sarah Gardner

“Mattress Firm has interns?!” That's generally the reaction I get when I tell guests that I'm new and interning or friends what I'm doing for the summer. Personally, when I found out about the opportunity to intern with Mattress Firm, I was surprised too. But, of course, as a college student, I did my research on the company and asked my family friend how working for the company has been. What I discovered was that Mattress Firm has won one of the best places to work in Houston, employees have empowerment (the importance of I had just learned in my marketing class), and that I'd be able to put an amazing experience on my resume.
I was ecstatic when I got the call that I got the internship. I was trying to workout in the gym, but I was too excited to tell my family about my upcoming summer to finish my workout. I practically skipped all the way home. Mattress Firm sent me a shirt and a letter representing the internship, and I must have read it a million times. Finally, it was time to move down to Houston from Waco (I attend Baylor University), and get ready to start working.
I turned 21 the day before my first day, and at dinner that next day Mattress Firm brought me a cupcake with a candle in it. That's just a testament to how much this company cares about their employees. I hadn't even begun when it was my birthday, but Mattress Firm still took the time and remembered to celebrate. I've been having a blast with this internship so far. I feel like I'm getting paid to have fun and share stories with people! I've taken a ton of pictures and made so many new friends, and I'm only halfway done with the internship.
I'm looking forward to continuing the internship program and maybe working with Mattress Firm after graduation!
Interested in an internship?